Notes on various mathematical topics

  • A Few Notes on Kepler Triangles
  • A Few Notes on Category Theory
  • Some ideas on vector spaces and quantum mechanics (WIP)
  • A Curious and Beautiful Integral
  • A Few Notes on the Fourier Series
  • A Few Notes on Linear Algebra
  • A Few Notes on Vector Calculus
  • An Interesting Integral Involving The Golden Ratio
  • A Few Notes on Harmonic Oscillators and Fields (WIP)
  • A Few Notes on Functional Analysis (WIP)
  • A Few Notes on the Brachistochrone Problem
  • A Few Notes on the Principle of Least Action and Newton’s Second Law of Motion
  • A Useful Mathematical Trick, Telescoping Series, and the Infinite Sum of the Reciprocals of the Triangular Numbers
  • A Few Notes on Euler’s Formula and Euler's Identity
  • A Few Notes on Euler’s Product Formula and the Riemann Zeta Function
  • A Few Notes on Euler's Solution of the Basel Problem
  • A few notes on the Dirac Delta Function and the Laplace Transform
  • Why do parallel lines appear to meet in the distance? A few notes on Projective Geometry
  • A bit on a structural correspondence between rings and groups
  • A bit on infinite series
  • Proof that the sqaure root of 2 is irrational
  • A Few Notes on the Division Algorithm (WIP)
  • Notes on Groups, Rings, and Fields
  • A Few Notes on Cayley's Theorem
  • A Few Notes on Group, Ring and Field Theory (warning: WIP)
  • A Few Notes on Change of Basis
  • A Note on Algebriac Structures
  • Some notes on Density Operators, Expectation Values, and Matrix Shapes
  • A Few Notes on Bell States, Superdense Coding, and Quantum Teleportation
  • Notes on the Bloch Sphere
  • Notes on the Dual Beam Splitter Experiment

    Just for fun

  • Cool math is hiding in the "12 Days of Christmas"
  • Christmastime is Christmas Math Time!
  • A bit about the spiral of Theodorus
  • What is hiding inside the number 2?
  • A bit about Ramanujan and nested radicals
  • What is hiding inside the number 3?
  • Square roots and cube roots...
  • \pi^\pi = ?
  • Is there a closed form for \sqrt{2 + \sqrt{2 + \sqrt{2 + \sqrt{2 + \cdots}}}}?
  • Can you spot the error?
  • Happy New Year 2022!
  • What is the difference in our ages?
  • Happy New Year 2021!
  • Fermat's Christmas Theorem
  • Merry Christmas!

    Last Update: 05.10.2024 by